Club Notices

Amended Minutes of 74th Annual General Meeting


In compliance to Rule 36 f. of the Constitution, the revised Minutes of the 74th Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2021 is hereby posted for your viewing.

There are no amendments to the Attendance list.

Provided there is no objection to the minutes after being displayed for a minimum period of two weeks, the minutes shall be considered as a fair record of what took place. If any objection is received from any Voting Member, the President shall consider the objection(s) and make any correction she considers necessary. The minutes shall again be posted as a fair record of what took place. In any event the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and the Extraordinary General Meeting are to be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting.

Click here for the revised Minutes of the 74th Annual General Meeting.


30 April 2021



Click here for the latest Bye-Laws.

Charter Membership Monthly Subscription Revision

Dear Members,

Please be informed that with effect from 1 May 2021, there will be a revised fee structure for the Charter membership. It is our commitment to maintain our current level of service and facilities while keeping the price increment minimal.

Charter Membership Subscription

Single: $185.11 (Current Rate) $235.11 (Revised Rate)

Family: $217.21 (Current Rate) $267.21 (Revised Rate)

* CPPMs (Charter Polo Playing Members) pay an additional $10 plus GST on the subscription fee

However, we have also noted that a number of Charter members do not play polo, lease horses or stables and are offering an alternative to convert the membership from Charter to Regular.

With a Regular membership, you may continue to enjoy the club and riding facilities, while paying a lower monthly subscription fees of $147.66 (for single) and $163.71 (for family).

The club will assist with the complimentary membership conversion for 3 months.

Do contact us at 6854 3999 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Thank you for being a part of the Singapore Polo Club family and we look forward to your continued support.

The Management

Minutes of 74th Annual General Meeting and Attendance List


In compliance to Rule 36 f. of the Constitution, the Minutes of the 74th Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2021 is hereby posted for your viewing.


Provided there is no objection to the minutes after being displayed for a minimum period of two weeks, the minutes shall be considered as a fair record of what took place. If any objection is received from any Voting Member, the President shall consider the objection(s) and make any correction she considers necessary. The minutes shall again be posted as a fair record of what took place. In any event the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and the Extraordinary General Meeting are to be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting.


Click here for the Attendance List.


Click here for the Minutes of the 74th Annual General Meeting.



26 April 2021