Tuesday & Thursday: 4.30pm

Saturday & Sunday : 4.30pm

(Depending on the number of polo chukkas for the day, the starting time for polo might be changed)

Polo players are required to sign up for your chukkas by 1.00pm on each polo day. Polo players who wish to hire club horses for polo should submit your request by 12 noon on each polo day. You can book your chukkas/request to hire club horses for polo through the methods shown below:

  1. WhatsApp to mobile phone 92370872
  2. Send an e-mail to polo@singaporepoloclub.org

1) You will need to purchase a Club membership by contacting our Membership & Marketing Department at Tel: 6854 3956 or E-mail: membership@singaporepoloclub.org . Please note that you will require either a Charter Membership or Charter Corporate Membership to play polo at our Club.

2) Send an email to polo@singaporepoloclub.org address to the Polo Captain stating your request to play polo at our Club, accompanied with a letter of introduction from the Club where you are currently playing polo. Most importantly, the letter must state your polo experience and polo handicap.

3) Once the Polo Captain has approved your request, you will need to undergo a polo assessment to determine if you can start playing polo at our Club.

For polo lessons bookings and details, please contact the Atoms Polo Academy at 68543955 or email them at ATOMS@singaporepoloclub.org

Federation of International Polo website


Horse care information site


Polo Players' Edition


Stable management and horse care information website


The British Horse Society Website


The Hurlingham Polo Association, United Kingdom.

(A copy of the Rules of Polo can be viewed/downloaded from this website.)


United States Polo Association website


Useful polo bulletin board and information exchange


Please click here