Club Notices

Results of Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 October 2017


The Club’s Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 12 October 2017 where the Committee submitted a resolution to amend Rule 20, to align with the permit conditions for the operation of the Fruit Machine Room.


The Resolution was voted upon and carried with 94.6% for.


Click here for the Voting Results.


The Membership Department

Singapore Polo Club

Notice for Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 October 2017


Dear Members,


Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Singapore Polo Club will be held at the Mountbatten Room on Thursday, 12th October 2017 at 7.00pm. Registration commences at 6.30pm.


Click here for the EGM Notice & Agenda.


Click here for the Resolution proposed by Rickard Hogberg and Tan Hock in accordance with Rule 37 (f) of the Club’s Constitution.


Honorary Secretary


Notice to Members


Singapore Polo Club has updated the Bye-Laws with effect from 21 August 2017

Click here for details on the change to Bye-Law D. 4

Click here for the latest Bye-Laws.

Results of 70th Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,


The Club's 70th Annual General Meeting was held on 28 March 2017 with a new Committee for the term 2017- 2018.


President Mr Satinder Garcha
Vice President Mr Wee Tiong Han
Polo Captain Dr Ali Namazie
Honorary Secretary Mr Rickard Hogberg
Honorary Treasurer Dr Amelie Villeneuve
Committee Members

Mr Ali Reda

Mr Lawrence Khong

Ms Melissa Ko

Mr Tan Hock


Click here for the Voting Results for Elections of President, Vice President, Polo Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Committee Members


Click here for the Voting Results for Elections of Polo Captain and Committee Members 


Click here for the Voting Results for Charter Polo Playing Member


Click here for Election of Trustee Group


Click here for the Voting Results for Resolution 1


Click here for the Voting Results for Resolution 2


Click here for the Voting Results for Resolution 3


Honorary Secretary