Club Notices

Key Changes on Covid-19 Measures from 29 March 2022


29 March 2022


Following the latest announcement by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce on 24 March 2022, please note the updated measures below.



• The group size limit on social gatherings will be raised from 5 to 10 people.

• Wearing masks outdoors is optional but is mandatory for indoor settings.

• 1-metre safe distancing is required between groups where masks are off to minimise transmission.


• Dining-in at F&B outlets will be up to 10 fully vaccinated* people per table.

* Fully vaccinated refers to individuals who have completed the primary vaccination series and the booster vaccination within 270 days after the last dose in their primary vaccination series.

• All diners are advised not to intermingle between tables and to maintain a 1-metre safe distancing for mask-off settings.

• Coriander Leaf and The Paddock Bistro are considered as indoor settings. In compliance with the Ministry of Health’s advisory, wearing mask indoors will still be required except when eating or drinking.

• No restriction on selling or drinking alcohol after 10.30pm.


We will continue to monitor the situation closely and keep everyone posted on the latest updates from the authorities.


For the latest information, please refer to


Take care and stay safe.


The Management

In accordance with Rule 37a (iii) of the Club's Constitution, the following nominations were received for election to the Committee as at 7pm, 22 March 2022:


Masefield Stephanie Frances

Vice President
Khong Kin Hoong, Lawrence

Polo Captain
Garcha Satinder Singh

Honorary Secretary
Hogberg Fred Rickard Robin William

Honorary Treasurer
Chua Sheng Jie, Daniel

Committee Members
Peggy Yeo
April McKenna
Jane Alexander Drummond
Koh Pei Bei

Click here  to view the nomination forms.


In accordance with Rule 33a of the Club's Constitution, the following nominations were received for election of a Trustee Group as at 7pm, 22 March 2022:


Wong Teck Fong, John
Loh Kim Chah
Tan Hock
Jeffrey Joseph Hardee

Click here to view the nomination forms.


No resolutions were received as at 7pm Tuesday, 22 March 2022.

Rule 36(d): At a General Meeting fifty Voting Members or ten per cent of the Voting Membership, which ever shall be the less, shall form a quorum provided that a minimum of ten shall be Charter Polo Playing Members. If after fifteen minutes from the time appointed for the meeting or if at any time after commencement of the Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting, if convened by a requisition of Members, shall be dissolved and, in any other case, shall stand adjourned for a period of 30 minutes and thereafter if a quorum shall not be present those Charter Polo Playing Members present provided they be not less than ten in number shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the Meeting was called; provided that no business shall be transacted other than the business that was unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment took place, and provided further that the Members present shall have no power to alter, repeal or make additions to any of the existing Rules; except if a full quorum is present.

Under Rule 36(d), the Meeting shall proceed and may transact only the business for which the Meeting was called after it stands adjourned for a period of 30 minutes. Therefore, we seek the co-operation of all registered members to attend the Meeting at 7pm, but which the Meeting shall commence sharply at 7.30pm.

As at 7pm Tuesday, 22 March 2022 the Club had a pre-registered attendance of 36 members made up of 1 Patron (CPPM), 22 CPPM, 9 Charter and 4 Regular Members which is below the number required to form a quorum as per Rule 36 (d).

Honorary Secretary



Notice is hereby given that the 75th Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Polo Club will be held at the Clubhouse on Tuesday, 29 March 2022 at 7pm. (Registration commences at 6.30pm).


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the meeting will be held in a Hybrid Format. Members can either opt to attend the meeting physically at the Club or online.


Click here for the AGM Notice & Agenda.

Click here for the Standing Order.

Click here for the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2021.

Click here for the Minutes of the 74th Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2021.

Click here for the Attendance List of the 74th Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2021.

Click here to Register.


Honorary Secretary

Half Day Closure of Gym on 28 February


Kindly note that the gym will be closed on Monday, 28 February from 7am to 3pm to facilitate arch RI Inspection.

Normal operations will resume thereafter. We seek your understanding and apologise for the inconvenience caused.


The Management